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The Power of Proactive Sales Training

A Topaz Sales Tale

Jorge Chavez, the President of Topaz Sales Consulting, had been invited to host a sales workshop at an exclusive country club. The event was organized for a select group of CEOs and their sales teams to sharpen their selling techniques. The setting was perfect—a sunny day with picturesque views, a catered lunch, and a chance for these leaders to step out of their daily grind. Among the attendees were Chris and Janice, a dynamic duo in business and life. They were confident in their sales team’s performance and saw the workshop as a pleasant day away from the office rather than a necessary investment in their business.

As Jorge began his presentation, Chris and Janice were initially more focused on the scenery than the content. But as Jorge dove deeper into the principles of a consistent sales process, something began to shift. Jorge had a way of peeling back the layers, revealing the subtle gaps that even successful teams often overlook. He discussed how a well-defined sales process not only aligns a team but also uncovers hidden opportunities for growth.

During one of these “aha moments, ” Janice turned to Chris, her eyes wide with realization. She poked him in the ribs, a gesture that said, “Are you hearing this?” Chris nodded, feeling the weight of what they were learning. They had always prided themselves on their results, but now they were clearly leaving money on the table. More importantly, they weren’t giving their sales team the structure they needed to excel exponentially.

After the workshop, Chris and Janice approached Jorge, and their earlier nonchalance was replaced by determination. They asked him to attend their upcoming annual sales meeting, eager to implement what they had learned. Jorge agreed, knowing that this was the turning point they needed.

In the following months, Jorge worked closely with Chris and Janice, helping them establish a consistent sales process and providing leadership training for Chris to hold his team accountable. The results were nothing short of extraordinary. With their newfound focus, Chris and Janice watched as their sales skyrocketed—an impressive 125% increase year over year.

They never looked back. What started as a day out of the office became a pivotal moment in their business journey. By proactively investing in sales training, they not only transformed their team’s performance but also secured the future success of their business.

The lesson? Don’t wait until there’s a problem to seek out sales training. The most successful teams continually sharpen their skills, refine their processes, and never settle for “good enough.” Chris and Janice learned this in a proactive way, and their business will never be the same.

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